Leadership Skill Building

Welcome! The resources here offer concrete tools and strategies to improve your capacity as a leader. You can dive in wherever makes sense to you: the sections don’t require a particular sequence, so you can use them as needed.

The only way to measure leadership greatness is to see who is following. Leaders lead, communicate it effectively, attend to the team, encourage risk taking, and have a reliable system to get honest, timely feedback. I offer ways to tackle these challenges in each of these five areas.

  1. Leadership

  2. Vision and Message

  3. Team Culture

  4. Leaning into Experimentation

  5. Feedback

I have developed these resources and strategies in conversation with many experienced and creative thought leaders. I owe a huge debt to the Harvard Business Review, the source of many of the articles I recommend. I also share some of the books that I found inspiring and just plain fun to read. I hope you’ll dip into a few of these too.